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Physical Education (PE)


At The Linden Academy, our intent with our PE curriculum is to give all pupils opportunities to try sports and activities that they may not get elsewhere.

We want to deliver fun, engaging and high-quality physical education that encourages pupils to challenge themselves and to persevere. We want to provide many opportunities for pupils to become physically literate, to be able to problem solve and to become effective communicators. We also strive to help pupils understand how to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

We believe that competitive sport teaches many life lessons, and we give our pupils opportunities to partake in internal and external sports competitions. We have confidence that through sport pupils can learn many values, and we regularly remind them of our core values of Hardwork, Honesty, Respect, Caring and Understanding, to help them succeed in PE lessons and competitions.

We want to help prepare pupils for wider life both in secondary school and further by helping them to develop team work and leadership skills.

Finally, we want to make sure that each child has a PE experience that they enjoy, so they can look back fondly on their school PE lessons and extracurricular opportunities.

Sport has a unique place in our world, and we are confident that, if used correctly, it can have an impact on all of our young people and their wider community.


All of our pupils receive two hours of PE per week taught by qualified PE teachers and a PE sports coach. Lessons are also attended by LSA’s who assist the teachers. Pupils are taught lessons to help them all succeed. We currently use the Complete pe system to aid us with our lessons. Complete PE is an outstanding tool recommended by AFPE to help all practitioners deliver fun and engaging lessons. We use the complete pe lessons in school and adapt these to suit the needs of our pupils. We also plan our own learning modules in EYFS and other year groups in more diverse sporting areas. 

We teach a wide range of sports that pupils may not have the opportunity to partake in outside of school. The sports we teach range from the traditional invasion game sports like Football, Rugby, Netball and Basketball to more obscure and inclusive sports like Handball, Frisbee, Archery, Gaelic football and Boccia. Our pupils have a rich sporting curriculum that has many more sports than listed above, and we encourage them to also take part in extracurricular clubs to further enhance their love of being active and to improve their skills. Pupils also have the opportunity to partake in competitions both in school and outside of school to fully enrich their educational experience.


Based on our sporting participation, our school has been awarded the School Games Gold Award for three years running. During lockdown, our school received a special recognition award for the excellent PE sessions that we put on for our pupils. Our pupils engage in many school games competitions, and we are currently offering the opportunities to more pupils than in previous years.

We have an extensive extracurricular offer at school and pupils from all backgrounds are invited to join these clubs. We work closely with LTFC, who provide clubs for us, and we also have a new partnership with a company called Creative sport who are providing two sports clubs for us after school on a weekly basis.

Our pupils say they enjoy PE and understand the role that physical education can have on their health both now and in the future.

Sport is taught both onsite and off. We have use of a fantastic four badminton court-sized sports halls located at Venue 360. We also have use of Luton towns state of the art new training field located at Cutenhoe road field. For a primary school in Luton, we have access to some of the best sports facilities. In order to continue to provide experiences for pupils, we like to give them opportunities to represent the school or their houses at school. We get to bring this to a close at the end of the academic year with our school sports days, which are looked forward to by all pupils.  

General Documents Date  
KS1 Progression of skills 19th Aug 2024 Download
KS2Progression of skills 19th Aug 2024 Download