Lunches & Free School Meals

Chartwells are our school catering firm. They work closely with the school to ensure that school food is healthy, affordable and high quality with the hope that the vast majority of pupils will choose school dinners.

School Lunches

In year R (reception), Year 1 and 2, lunches are FREE thanks to the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. School meals are therefore compulsory for all children in these year groups.

For children in Years, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the price of a delicious school meal is only £2.53 and must be booked / pre-ordered and paid for in advance using ParentPay. Please note that ParentPay is the only form of payment accepted for school dinners. 

The option of a packed lunch is also available for children in Years 3-6. However, strict standards are in place to ensure that the contents of all lunch boxes adhere to the principles of 'School Food Standards'. Please see our policy below for further information. 

If you are experiencing any difficulty in paying for or providing a lunch for your child, please contact us directly to discuss this is in a confidential manner. 

Allergy Awareness

Please note, it is extremely important that you inform us and Chartwells of any food allergies or intolerances that your child has. We welcome all children with allergies/intolerances and providing we deem it safe to do so, an appropriate meal can be provided daily in line with our internal policies and procedures. This food is prepared in a sanitised area of the academy’s kitchen.

If your child requires a specific diet (i.e. no beef / pork / dairy products etc), please make sure that this is made clear on the paperwork. If a specific diet is required for medical reasons, please ensure that this is communicated clearly to the school office / administration team and on the contact form. Confirmation of medical needs will be asked for from the child's doctor. 

Please note all our school menu is Halal. 

Please see below a special diet form to be completed and returned, along with further information from Chartwells regarding Medical Diet information.

Special Diet Procedure

Special Diet Request Form

The Linden Academy milk scheme is available to all our pupils and we would like to invite you to register your child. School milk is free for under 5s and Free School Meals (FSM) pupils. For over 5s, (not on FSM), milk is available at a subsidised* price of approximately £18 per term.

Each child registered with Cool Milk, will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day, delivered fresh and chilled for morning break. The school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting, it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help them stay focused.

For more information on how milk can benefit children, visit Why milk is great for children | Cool Milk

How to register

If your child is under 5, or on FSM, please contact The Linden Academy directly, to process the registration form on your behalf. 

If your child is 5 or older, or not on FSM, you can purchase milk in school or register and pay online through this link. You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone or at a local PayPoint in half termly, termly or annual instalments. You cannot pay via the school. 

Please note:

  • New registration for your child's free milk, must be placed by a Tuesday before 5pm to start the following week.
  • Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child's 5th birthday. You will receive a payment request four weeks befoer their birthday. If you wish your child to continue to receive school milk, please make a payment to Cool Milk directly. 
  • FSM children will receive milk until Luton Borough Council notifies the school that the allowance has ceased. 

If you do NOT wish your child to have your free entitlement of school milk, please contact the school immediately. 

All school dietary requirements will be strictly adhered to. Spare registration forms are available from the school office. 

If you have any questions regarding school milk, please contact the school or Cool Milk by either visiting or ringing 0844 854 2913.

* Milk for under 5s is provided free of charge, fully funded by the Department of Health. Milk for over 5s, is subsidised by the Rural Payments Agency and the E.U.

In order to encourage healthy eating and also to avoid the loss of a lunchtime appetite, we ask for parents' co-operation in providing the following snacks only:

  • Reception, Year 1 and 2: One item of fruit or vegetable for either the morning or afternoon breaks. The school also provides fruit and vegetable snacks for children on a daily basis. 
  • Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: One item of fruit or vegetable for the morning break.
  • Out of School Club (3:15-5.30pm): Fruit, vegetables, crackers, cereal bars or sandwich only.

For reasons of health, we do not permit crisps, chocolate or any drink other than plain water and ask for parents' support in this. Items that do not meet the school rules above will be confiscated by teachers and sent home. 

If you have a child in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, they could be enjoying their school lunches for FREE if you receive any of the following:

  • Income Based Employment and School Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • NASS
  • Child Tax Credit

This is support for families who have a combined annual income of less than £16,190.

Apply online at Free school meals (FSM) ( or call Luton Borough Council direct on 01582 510346. This information is kept strictly confidential and can help the school provide additional support and resources for all eligible children. 

Speak with our family worker, Ms Humphrey, who can support you in making an application for pupil premium funding.