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Learning in the Early Years

Our Early Years Staff:

Acorn Class: Mrs Summerfield

Blossom Class: Mrs Beckles

Seedling Class: Mrs Hill

EYFS Learning Support Mentors: Miss Mallett, Miss Malik and Miss Smith.

At The Linden Academy, we aim to ‘Make Learning Irresistible’. This runs through everything we do; from lessons, our learning environment both indoors and outdoors to visits and visitors. Our school is an amazing place to be and the staff and children are all very proud to be part of the LINDEN ACADEMY!

Children feel valued and loved in school and staff pride themselves on building strong relationships with both parents/carers and children. We teach literacy and maths to a high standard and children make excellent progress throughout the EYFS. We treat every child as an individual and are committed to the development of the ‘whole child’. We want children to enter KS1 happy, self-assured, independent learners with a thirst to learn and the confidence to know that they can do anything they want to do and that we will support them on their journey.

A Learning Journey Personalised for Your Child

The Learning Journey for every child in the Early Years is recorded within school as a vital and valuable tool for assessing progress and promoting and recognising achievement. This journey is a partnership between school staff and the child's Parent/ Carer. Please find below an information presentation regarding how and why EYLOG is used as a web-based, secure method of recording the journey, to which the Parents/ Carers can contribute. We also provide below a copy of the policy that applies to EYLOG use.

An awful lot of learning takes place at home too! We invite parents to be part of their child’s learning journey and encourage the sharing of learning from home. Please see your child’s class teacher for more information on ways to let us know what your child has shown you they can do and on what you can do to help them move forward.