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Art (Art, Music & DT)

At the Linden Academy we support the arts and have recently been awarded the Silver Artsmark accreditation, which means we celebrate art, music, culture, theatre, film and dance through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities. We aim to incorporate Art and Culture into every pupil’s life and learning.


Children enjoy being inspired to create and experiment with different mediums and materials and learn new skills whilst exploring their imagination.

In art lessons, Key Stage One children will learn sketching and drawing skills, how to use colour, tone and shading to create different effects, use clay, use ICT to create art and begin to discuss famous artworks and artists. Throughout Key Stage Two, art lessons progress so that children build on their early skills with printing, use of line, tone, colour and shape to show movement and more in-depth study of art, artists and designers.

Please note Year R is covered on the EYFS curriculum page:

Formal Elements of Art Roadmap

Sculpture in Art Learning Journey

Mixed Media in Art Learning Journey

Design and Technology

At The Linden Academy, Design and Technology is a subject that encourages our students to feel inspired and become innovators. At the beginning of each project, authentic products are introduced and shared with the class. The element of accessing existing design is fundamental in understanding the purpose behind an item, as well as identifying how it has been made from a design perspective.

Through enabling opportunities for discussion around products they are familiar with, pupils are able to engage with the world around them. It is through their careful observations and research, that pupils are integrated into the cycle of product design; extending to the making and evaluating aspects using their learned knowledge. Through this subject, pupils are provided with a vast array of experiences including mechanisms, textiles and structures and food technology.

Progression of Skill:
As our pupils journey through The Linden, they progressively build upon their technical skills. Key Stage One focuses on introducing existing concepts and materials, whilst teaching the safe use of some tools and resources. The projects are very practical at this stage and are delivered through the cycle of designing, making and evaluating. During Key Stage Two, we continue to build upon practical skills, however we begin to delve deeper into our understanding of existing products, using these to inform our own design decisions, before developing prototypes. Upper Key Stage Two then extends this further, through encouraging market research, testing and refining their designs.

Please note Year R is covered on the EYFS curriculum page:

Textiles Learning Journey

Structures Learning Journey

Food Learning Journey


At The Linden Academy, we offer our children extensive opportunities to experience musical learning. We consider performing arts to be an essential ingredient of a broad, balanced curriculum, and an indispensable part of a child’s educational experience.

Years 1 to 6 have a teacher coming from Luton Music Service each week to teach them. These are very hands-on sessions and the children have the opportunity to play instruments throughout the lesson.

There are also opportunities for Key Stage Two children to join a lunchtime choir.

Please note Year R is covered on the EYFS curriculum page: